Making a Pull Request#

Whether you add a new test function or fix a typo in the docs, you should make your code contributions to UQTestFuns via the pull requests (PR) mechanism to the dev branch on GitHub.

Your pull request must be made from a forked repository in your own account. Please refer to Setting Up a Development Environment for more details on setting up the fork.

Please keep a PR as compact as possible; each contains only an enhancement or a fix at a time. However, adding a test function, the documentation, and the corresponding tests should be a single PR.

To ensure a minimum coding standard you should conform to the adopted code linting and formatter of the project. Make sure you run these tools on the updated code before you make a pull request.

Before making a pull request#

We use Flake8 as our code linter. The tool is made available if you installed the package with pip using .[dev] or .[all] flag.

Execute flake8 from the source root directory:

$ flake8 src tests

and fix any issues that it raised.

We also use Black as our code formatter. It is also made available if you installed the package using .[dev] or .[all] flag.

We usually avoid allowing Black to directly modify the source code. Instead, we ask it to check and make the recommendations and run it as follows:

$ black --check --diff src tests

Fix any formatting issues that Black raised manually.

Finally, make sure you run pytest and resolve any issues before making the pull request.

Creating a pull request#

Once you’re happy with the local development and would like to make a pull request for it, push all the local changes to your own remote repository on GitHub:

$ git push origin <my-development-branch>

where it is assumed that you’ve been making the changes in a separate branch called my-development-branch.

Create the PR via the GitHub interface and use the dev branch of the main repository as the target branch. Don’t forget to briefly explain your PR.

That’s it! You’ve made your PR! Please wait until someone handles it.