Input Specification#

Module with definition of data structure to hold information on prob. input.

A probabilistic input specification may be stored in a built-in Python data type that contains the only information required to construct a UnivDist (for one-dimensional marginals) and ProbInput (for probabilistic input models) instances. The container type should be free of custom methods and derived from NamedTuple class to provide typing information.


class uqtestfuns.core.prob_input.input_spec.UnivDistSpec(name: Optional[str], distribution: str, parameters: Union[List[Union[int, float]], Tuple[Union[int, float], ...]], description: Optional[str])#

A univariate marginal distribution specification.

  • name (str) – The name of the univariate marginal.

  • distribution (str) – The name of the distribution of the univariate marginal.

  • parameters (Union[List[Union[int, float]], Tuple[Union[int, float], ...]]) – Parameter values of the distribution.

  • description (str) – Short description of the univariate marginal.


class uqtestfuns.core.prob_input.input_spec.ProbInputSpecFixDim(name: Optional[str], description: Optional[str], marginals: List[uqtestfuns.core.prob_input.input_spec.UnivDistSpec], copulas: Optional[Any])#

All the information to construct a ProbInput w/ a fixed dimension.

  • name (str) – The name of the probabilistic input model.

  • description (str) – A short description of the probabilistic input model.

  • marginals (Union[Callable, List[UnivDistSpec]]) – A list of univariate marginal specifications or a callable to construct the list of marginal specifications.

  • copulas (Optional[Any]) – The copula specification of the probabilistic input model.


class uqtestfuns.core.prob_input.input_spec.ProbInputSpecVarDim(name: Optional[str], description: Optional[str], marginals_generator: Callable[[int], List[uqtestfuns.core.prob_input.input_spec.UnivDistSpec]], copulas: Optional[Any])#

All the information to construct a ProbInput w/ variable dimension.