Welcome to the UQTestFuns documentation!

Welcome to the UQTestFuns documentation!#

UQTestFuns is an open-source Python3 library of test functions commonly used within the applied uncertainty quantification (UQ) community. Specifically, the package provides:

  • an implementation with minimal dependencies (i.e., NumPy and SciPy) and a common interface of many test functions available in the UQ literature

  • a single entry point collecting test functions and their probabilistic input specifications in a single Python package

  • an opportunity for an open-source contribution, supporting the implementation of new test functions or posting reference results.

UQTestFuns aims to save the researchers’ and developers’ time from having to reimplement many of the commonly used test functions (and the corresponding probabilistic input specifications) from the UQ literature themselves. More background information regarding UQ test functions and UQTestFuns can be found here.

Getting Started

New to, but ready to use, UQTestFuns? You can check out the tutorials! Need some background info first? Check out the what & why of these test functions.

User Guide

Browse through all the available test functions in UQTestFuns; they are crudely classified into their usage in typical UQ analyses. Need a reference on how to define a probabilistic input model, there’s a dedicated section on that!

API Reference

The API reference guide contains a detailed description of high-level entities (functions, classes, methods, and properties) included in UQTestFuns.

Contributor’s Guide

If you’re interested in extending UQTestFuns, be it adding a new test function, a new distribution, or a new reference results in the docs, be sure to check out the Contributor’s Guide.